Art.1: Object

Art.1.1 Wojo Spaces

As part of its business hosting activity, WOJO (hereinafter also referred to as the “Service Provider“) provides its clients (the “Beneficiary(ies)” or “Client(s)“), pecuniary, with private offices and shared spaces (“coworking”) accompanied by a set of professional and business services, including meeting rooms in which collaborative workshops, meetings, videoconferences and training sessions can be organized (hereinafter referred to as the “Spaces“).

Art.1.2 Wojo Spaces Status

The whole of the Spaces provided remains under the exclusive control of WOJO, which is the sole to have a right of use of the premises (hereinafter the “Centre”). The Beneficiary declares that he is fully aware and acknowledges that the Space provided by WOJO is indivisible from the premises of which only WOJO has a right of use and that the Beneficiary cannot invoke any direct right against the Service Provider.

Art 1.3 Intended use of the Centre and the Spaces

The Beneficiary shall occupy the Space peacefully and only for needs related to his activity mentioned in the Specific Conditions (as defined below), excluding any industrial or artisanal production operations or any use for residential purposes.

The Beneficiary shall not engage in any activities within the Centre that are in competition with WOJO’s activities, consisting in the provision of office space, meeting rooms and all associated services.

Art. 2 : Description of Services

Art 2.1 : Meeting rooms

The Service Provider undertakes to provide the Beneficiary with meeting rooms or business lounge, with modern themes and equipment, in its various Centres:

Centre Wojo Issy Village, 41-43 rue Camille Desmoulins, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Centre Wojo Cœur Défense, 110 Esplanade du Général de Gaulle 92931 Paris La Défense

Centre Wojo Gare de Lyon, Tour Mattei 207 rue de Bercy 75012 Paris

Centre Wojo Neuilly-sur-Seine, 88 avenue Charles-de-Gaulle 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

Centre Wojo Lyon Part-Dieu, 15 rue des Cuirassiers 69003 Lyon

Centre Wojo Gare Saint-Lazare, 16-18 rue de Londres 75009 Paris

Centre Wojo Champs-Elysées, 18 rue Washington 75008 Paris

Centre Wojo Grand Hôtel Dieu, 4 place Amédée Bonnet, 69002 Lyon

Centre Wojo Madeleine, 18, Boulevard Malesherbes 75008 Paris

Centre Wojo Lille, 19 rue d’Amiens 59800 Lille

Centre Wojo Tolbiac, 25 rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris

Centre Wojo Montparnasse Gaité, 82 avenue du Maine, 75014 Paris

Centre Mama Works Bordeaux, 51 Quai Lawton Bâtiment G4, 33300 Bordeaux, France

Centre Mama Works Lyon, 92 Cour Lafayette, 69003 Lyon

Les salles de réunion des Centres ci-dessus mentionnés sont accessibles 24/7 pour les Clients ayant souscrit aux services de Bureaux privatifs et/ou Coworking Wojo. A défaut d’avoir souscrit à de tels services, les salles de réunion sont accessibles aux heures d’ouverture des Centres, uniquement les jours ouvrés.

The meeting rooms located in the above-mentioned Centres are accessible 24/7 for Clients who have subscribed to the Wojo Private Office and/or Coworking Services. If they have not subscribed to such services, the meeting rooms are accessible during the opening hours of the Centres, only on working days.

Art 2.2 Scope of Services

Only the Services listed in the quote or the online order (hereinafter the “Specific Conditions”) or those referred to in these Terms and Conditions (together referred to as the “Contract”) can be requested by the Beneficiary, to the exclusion of all others. Any additional services (including any special arrangements or installations requested by the Client) not included in the Specific Conditions, but which the Client would like to access, must be the subject of a new agreement between the Parties.

Art 2.3 Conditions of provision of the Spaces

The use of the meeting rooms is subject to availability and reservations during opening hours.

The Beneficiary have to check, at the time the meeting room is made available, that it corresponds to the one booked. If no complaint is made at the time of provision, no subsequent complaint will be taken into account.

If the Space provided for in the Specific Conditions is unavailable, the Service Provider will look for Spaces within the Centre which are at least of equivalent characteristics and size to the Spaces initially provided for and may offer them to the Beneficiary. If no alternative solution is found, the Beneficiary may terminate the Contract or the Online order.

The Beneficiary may not under any circumstances install cables, specific computer equipment other than a computer, or carry out video filming, without the prior written consent of the Service Provider, who reserves the right to refuse installation or to have it carried out by its subcontractor, at its own discretion. The same applies to any non-office equipment.

After the performance of the Service on the date and at the times specified in the Specific Conditions, the Beneficiary must have left the allocated Space. In the event of material damage caused by the Beneficiary, the latter must bear all the necessary repair costs, upon presentation of the repair estimates by the Service Provider.

If the Beneficiary leaves any goods, belongings or equipment in the Centre which he/she has not collected within eight (8) calendar days of notification, the Provider is entitled to dispose of them at the Beneficiary’s expense, in the manner of its choice.

If the Beneficiary does not subscribe to the Private Office and/or Coworking services, he or she, or each person identified by him or her, is given a temporary access card. This card is exclusive and is neither assignable nor transferable. The Beneficiary undertakes to return the access card to the Service Provider at the end of the Contract. In the event of loss or theft of this card, the Beneficiary will be charged for its replacement at the rate stipulated in the Centre’s Price Guide.

Art 2.4 Health measures in time of epidemics/pandemics

The capacity of the meeting rooms as indicated on the WOJO website does not consider the possible gauges that would be imposed by the governmental authorities in case of an epidemic/pandemic. In this respect, it is reminded that the Ministry of Labour recommends that the capacity of the meeting rooms should be adapted in order to respect a minimum volume per person.

The Beneficiary therefore undertakes to use the meeting rooms in accordance with the above recommendations.

Art. 3: Confirmation of the reservation

The Beneficiary confirms his/her reservation at the time of Online order or must confirm his/her reservation before the date indicated in the Specific Conditions and return them to the Provider, when this reservation is made by Contract. A copy of the Contract including the Specific Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions and the Internal Rules and Regulations, duly dated, initialled on each page and signed by the Beneficiary, with the mention “Good for agreement” and his stamp must be returned to WOJO.

Art. 4: Modification of the reservation

Only requests for changes to the reservation that have been communicated in writing twenty-four (24) hours before and accepted by the Provider can be taken into account.

Any increase in the scope of the previously agreed Service will result in a price adjustment. The applicable rates will be those in force at the date of the new booking.

Any request for modification resulting in a reduction in the duration or quantity of the Services will be deemed to be the equivalent of a partial or total cancellation of the reservation and will be subject to the cancellation conditions set out in Article 5 below.

Art. 5: Booking date and cancellation

The booking date is the date expressly stated in the Specific Conditions or the date indicated in the online Order.

Cancellation of the Order less than forty-eight (48) hours before the agreed booking date shall not prevent the full price indicated in the Specific Conditions from being payable.

Art. 6: Terms of payment and late penalty

The price of the Services as well as the terms of payment are set out in the Specific Conditions or in the summary of the online Order. The prices indicated therein are firm and definitive on the day of signing the Contract or the Order.

Payment of the price shall be made by credit card or bank transfer as indicated on the invoice issued by the Service Provider.

Any order of less than 1,000 euros including VAT must be paid in full on the date of booking. However, for any order of less than 175 euros (including VAT), the Beneficiary is invited to make a reservation request on the Wojo website (hereinafter the “Wojo Platform“).

Without prejudice to the right of cancellation that may, if necessary, be implemented by the Service Provider, invoices not paid by the due date shall automatically bear interest at a rate equal to three (3) times the legal interest rate and shall give rise, in application of Law n°2012-387 of 22 March 2012 and Decree n°2012-1115 of 2 October 2012, to a flat-rate, non-dischargeable additional penalty of 40 euros.

In the event of non-compliance with this Terms and Conditions or repeated delays in the payment of sums due, the Service Provider reserves the right to suspend any discounts, promotions or offers initially granted to the Beneficiary, without notice.

Any dispute of all or part of an invoice by the Client must be notified to the Service Provider within five (5) days of the date of issue in order to be taken into consideration. After this period, invoices shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Client. In the event of a dispute, the Client nevertheless undertakes to pay the undisputed amount of the invoice without delay.

The Service Provider reduces the impact of its activities on the environment and encourages its clients to adopt the same policy. For this reason, the Service Provider will send all invoices electronically (in compliance with regulatory requirements) and the Beneficiary will make payments automatically by direct debit, bank transfer or credit card. All sums payable by the Beneficiary under the Contract may, if not paid in full by the Beneficiary after leaving the Centre defined in the Specific Conditions, be requested or recovered by the other centres of the WOJO network in which the Beneficiary may wish to contract.

Art. 7: Obligations and responsibilities of the Parties

Without prejudice to the other obligations set out herein, the Client undertakes to comply with the laws and regulations in force, public order and good morals.

The Beneficiary shall provide, as soon as possible, all necessary information relating to the event organised in the Space made available by the Provider, in particular the number of participants, any changes to the agreed dates and times, and any potential risks and/or damage relating to this event.

The Client shall request the prior written consent of the Provider for any event it wishes to hold within the allocated Space. The Service Provider reserves the right not to approve an event that would be contrary to WOJO’s image policy or that would be detrimental to the peace and good order of the Centre and to interrupt an event that does not correspond to the one previously authorised.

Avant tout tournage de film, ou de reportage, ou de reportage photographique, le Bénéficiaire doit au préalable demander l’autorisation écrite de filmer ou de faire des prises de vues au sein du Centre et/ou des Espaces. Dans le cas contraire, le Prestataire sera amené à refuser l’accès au Centre au photographe et/ou au caméraman. Si le Prestataire autorise préalablement et expressément le tournage, il soumettra un devis spécifique au Bénéficiaire. Nonobstant ce qui précède, le Bénéficiaire fera son affaire personnelle de l’obtention de toutes les autorisations qui s’avèreraient nécessaires dans le cadre d’un reportage photographique ou d’un tournage de film ou de reportage.

Prior to any filming, reporting or photography, the Beneficiary must first request written authorisation to film or take photographs within the Centre and/or the Spaces. If this is not the case, the Service Provider may refuse the photographer and/or cameraman access to the Centre. If the Service Provider expressly authorises filming beforehand, it will submit a specific quote to the Beneficiary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Beneficiary shall be personally responsible for obtaining any authorisations that may be required for a photographic report or a film or reportage shoot.

The Beneficiary is liable for any damage caused by him, his staff and collaborators (hereinafter the “Beneficiary’s Collaborators“) or by any person present in the Centre with his permission or at his invitation, whether express or tacit, in particular all partners, agents or other persons present in the Centre as a result of a business relationship with the Beneficiary.

The Service Provider may only be held liable for damage directly related to the performance of the Contract, it being specified that the financial consequences of the Service Provider’s liability may in no case exceed the total amount of the sums paid by the Beneficiary and collected by the Service Provider in the performance of the Contract.

Art. 8: Insurances

Art 8.1: Beneficiary’s insurance

It is the Beneficiary’s responsibility to provide insurance for the goods he brings into the Centre and to cover his own civil liability towards his employees and third parties.

The Beneficiary is responsible for the equipment he/she stores in the Centre and the Service Provider cannot be held responsible for any theft.

Art 8.2: Service Provider’s insurance

The Service Provider holds insurance policies covering its civil and professional liability and may, on request from the Beneficiary, provide insurance certificates proving the coverage of the said risks and their amount. The Service Provider undertakes to keep these insurance policies in force as long as it has any obligation under the Contract.

Art 8.3: Waiver of claim

The owner of the building, with whom the Provider is contractually bound by a commercial lease, insures the building and all fixtures and fittings with which the Centre building is equipped.

As part of its agreement with the Provider, the owner-lessor and its insurers have waived any recourse against the Service Provider, all the Beneficiaries and their insurers for any damage suffered in the building. Similarly, the Service Provider and its insurers have waived any recourse against the owner, all the Beneficiaries and their insurers.

Consequently, the Beneficiary undertakes to waive any claim against the Service Provider, the owner, all other Beneficiaries and their insurers. He undertakes to obtain the same waiver from his insurers.

Art. 9: Confidentiality and data protection

Art. 9.1: Privacy of information

The Beneficiary undertakes to consider and treat as confidential any information concerning the activities of the Service Provider and of other natural or legal persons operating in the Centre of which he may become aware during the performance of the Contract. The Beneficiary undertakes never to consult the documents stored in the Centre by a third party unless explicitly invited to do so by their owner.

This obligation of confidentiality shall apply for the entire duration of the Contract and two (2) years after the end of the Contract.

Art. 9.2: Data protection

The Parties agree to comply with the laws and regulations in force relating to the processing of personal data (hereinafter the “Legislation“), including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter the “GDPR“), the amended French Law No 78-17 on data protection and related regulatory acts.

Art. 9.2.1 – Definitions

In this appendix, the following terms shall have the meanings given to them in the GDPR and are used solely as defined in the GDPR.

Personal Data: any information relating to a natural person, either identified or identifiable, directly or indirectly, including by means of an identification number or one or more pieces of information or documents specific to that person.

Data Subject: natural person to whom the processed Personal Data relates.

Controller: the entity that determines the purposes and means of the processing of Personal Data.

Processor: the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Controller.

Processing: in relation to Personal Data, any operation or set of operations, regardless of the process used, such as collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, or restriction, erasure or destruction.

Art. 9.2.2 – Identity of the Controller

WOJO is the Controller regarding the processing whose purposes are set out below in Article 9.2.3.

Art. 9.2.3 – Purposes of the processing of personal data

WOJO collects information about Data Subjects, as mentioned below, (i) directly from them, or indirectly (ii) through the Beneficiary, (iii) through the Data Subjects’ devices and location, via cookies or other technologies; (iv) through the Data Subjects’ use of WOJO Workspaces and Services, or (v) from other sources.

WOJO processes Personal Data for the following purposes:

Purpose 1: Entering into and managing the Contract, including the collection of data relating to the identity of the Beneficiary and the Beneficiary’s Employees pursuant to Article 6.1(b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract or steps prior to entering into a contract) or, pursuant to Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interests of WOJO’s internal administrative management) where the processing concerns Data Subjects who are not party to the Contract (Beneficiary’s Employees, etc.).

  • Categories of data subjects
  • Beneficiary that is a natural person
  • In the case of a beneficiary that is a legal person, natural person(s) representing the Beneficiary
  • Beneficiary’s employees as defined in Article 7 of these Terms and Conditions
  • Authorised personnel of the Beneficiary (accountant etc.) exchanging information with WOJO on behalf of the Beneficiary
  • Categories of processed personal data
    • Civil status data:g. surname and first name
    • Identification data:g. WOJO membership card number and image of the person
    • Computer and Internet navigation data: e.g. IP address
    • Occupational data: e.g. work email address, work address, work telephone number and capacity to act/functions
    • Economic and financial data: e.g. Beneficiary’s bank details
  • Categories of recipients of personal data
    • authorised internal departments of WOJO
    • subcontractors or partners needing to know about the entering into and/or management of the Contract (e.g. WOJO’s and Beneficiary’s bank(s))
    • IT and/or telecommunications service providers
    • if necessary, certain regulated professions (e.g. lawyers)

Purpose 2: Performance of the services provided for in the Contract (e.g. provision of offices, equipment and IT/telecommunications systems), excluding the services referred to in Purpose 3, pursuant to Article 6.1(b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract or steps prior to entering into a contract) where the Data Subject is the Beneficiary or pursuant to Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interests of WOJO to comply with its contractual commitments to the Beneficiary) where the processing concerns Data Subjects who are not party to the Contract (Beneficiary’s Employees, etc.).

  • Categories of data subjects
  • Beneficiary who is a natural person
  • In the case of a beneficiary that is a legal person, natural person(s) representing the Beneficiary
  • Beneficiary’s collaborators as defined in Article 7 of these Terms and Conditions
  • Authorised personnel of the Beneficiary (accountant etc.) exchanging information with WOJO on behalf of the Beneficiary
  • Natural person(s) invited by the Beneficiary (or by the Beneficiary’s Employees) onto a WOJO site
  • Categories of processed personal data
    • Civil status data:g. surname and first name
    • Identification data:g. WOJO membership card number, image and registration number of a motor vehicle in case of use of WOJO car parking
    • Computer and Internet navigation data: e.g. IP address
    • Occupational data: e.g. work email address, work address, work telephone number and capacity to act/functions
    • Economic and financial data: e.g. Beneficiary’s bank details
    • Data on the use of WOJO Workspaces and Services: e.g. office preferences, times of booked Workspaces and/or rooms and communications through our Services
  • Categories of recipients of personal data
    • authorised internal departments of WOJO
    • IT and/or telecommunications service providers
    • subcontractors or partners needing to know about the entering into and/or management of the Contract or service providers (e.g. WOJO’s and the Beneficiary’s bank(s) and online booking system, etc.)
    • if necessary, certain regulated professions (e.g. lawyers)

Purpose 3: Performance of services additional to the Contract which may be offered directly by WOJO to the Beneficiary (and Employees of the Beneficiary) during the performance of the Contract pursuant to Article 6.1(b) of the GDPR (performance of a contract or steps prior to entering into a contract) or pursuant to Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interests of WOJO to comply with its contractual commitments to the Beneficiary) where the processing concerns Data Subjects who are not party to the Contract (Beneficiary’s Employees, etc.) (e.g. food services, gym and discussion forums)

  • Categories of data subjects
  • Beneficiary that is a natural person
  • In the case of a beneficiary that is a legal person, natural person(s) representing the Beneficiary
  • Beneficiary’s collaborators as defined in Article 7 of these Terms and Conditions
  • Authorised personnel of the Beneficiary (accountant etc.) exchanging information with WOJO on behalf of the Beneficiary
  • Natural person(s) invited by the Beneficiary (or by the Beneficiary’s Employees) onto a WOJO site
  • Categories of processed personal data
    • Civil status data:g. surname and first name
    • Identification data:g. WOJO membership card number and image of the person
    • Computer and Internet navigation data: e.g. IP address
    • Occupational data: e.g. work email address, work address, work telephone number and capacity to act/functions
    • Economic and financial data: e.g. invoices and credit notes
    • Data on the use of WOJO Workspaces and Services: e.g. office preferences, times of booked Workspaces and/or rooms and communications through our Services
  • Categories of recipients of personal data
    • authorised internal departments of WOJO
    • IT and/or telecommunications service providers
    • subcontractors or partners needing to know about the entering into and/or management of the Contract, or service providers (e.g. food services, concierge, gym and business services)
    • members of the WOJO platform
    • if necessary, certain regulated professions (e.g. lawyers)

Purpose 4: Management of the business relationship pursuant to Article 6.1(a) of the GDPR primarily (consent of the Data Subject) and Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR in the alternative (legitimate interest of WOJO or a third party to promote, market and canvass new customers of these services, and to analyse the needs of the Beneficiaries or their Employees in accordance with WOJO’s objects (e.g. subscription to WOJO newsletters, commercial canvassing, targeted advertising and statistics).

  • Categories of data subjects
    • Beneficiary that is a natural person
    • In the case of a beneficiary that is a legal person, natural person(s) representing the Beneficiary
    • Beneficiary’s collaborators as defined in Article 7 of these Terms and Conditions
    • Authorised personnel of the Beneficiary (accountant etc.) exchanging information with WOJO on behalf of the Beneficiary
    • Natural person(s) invited by the Beneficiary (or by the Beneficiary’s Employees) onto a WOJO site
  • Categories of processed personal data
    • Civil status data:g. surname and first name
    • Identification data:g. WOJO membership card number and image of the person (optional)
    • Computer and Internet navigation data: e.g. IP address
    • Occupational data: e.g. work email address, work address, work telephone number and capacity to act/functions
    • Data on the use of WOJO Workspaces and Services: e.g. office preferences, times of booked Workspaces and/or rooms and communications through our Services
  • Categories of recipients of personal data
    • authorised internal departments of WOJO
    • IT and/or telecommunications service providers
    • subcontractors or partners needing to know about the entering into and/or management of the Contract
    • service providers (for example: emailing solutions, gym, surveys, etc.) or third-party advertising partners
    • if necessary, certain regulated professions (e.g. lawyers)

Purpose 5: Security of persons, premises, information systems and property (e.g. badge system) pursuant to Article 6.1(b) of the GDPR primarily (performance of a contract or steps prior to entering into a contract) and Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest of the Controller in ensuring the security of persons, information systems and property on its premises) in the alternative, excluding video surveillance (see below)

  • Categories of data subjects
    • Beneficiary that is a natural person
    • In the case of a beneficiary that is a legal person, natural person(s) representing the Beneficiary
    • Beneficiary’s collaborators as defined in Article 7 of these Terms and Conditions
    • Authorised personnel of the Beneficiary (accountant etc.) exchanging information with WOJO on behalf of the Beneficiary
    • Natural person(s) invited by the Beneficiary (or by the Beneficiary’s Employees) onto a WOJO site
  • Categories of processed personal data
    • Civil status data:g. surname and first name
    • Identification data:g. WOJO membership card number and image of the person
    • Computer and Internet navigation data: e.g. IP address
    • Occupational data: e.g. work email address, work address, work telephone number and capacity to act/functions
  • Categories of recipients of personal data
    • authorised internal departments of WOJO
    • IT and/or telecommunications service providers
    • subcontractors or partners needing to know about the entering into and/or management of the Contract, or security service providers (e.g. security company and IT support)
    • if necessary, certain regulated professions (e.g. lawyers)

Purpose 6: Company reorganisation in respect of WOJO’s legitimate interest pursuant to Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR, including in the form of a sale, transfer, merger or acquisition of a business or assets.

Where necessary, it is specified that a Service Provider is authorised to disclose the aforementioned personal data when such data must be disclosed as a result of a judicial or administrative injunction or when a Service Provider must disclose the data to ensure its defence in connection with judicial or administrative proceedings.

Art. 9.2.4 – Information and rights of Data Subjects

In accordance with the GDPR, each Data Subject is entitled to make a request to the Controller in order to access their Personal Data, have their data corrected or erased and the processing of their data limited. In certain cases, a Data Subject is also entitled to object to the processing of their data, as well as being entitled to transfer their data or withdraw their consent concerning their data at any time when the processing is based on their consent.

It is expressly agreed that the Beneficiary warrants to transmit to the natural persons acting on its behalf in connection with the Contract as well as to the persons invited by it or to the Beneficiary’s Employees the information relating to the processing of the Personal Data concerning them, their rights concerning that processing and how to exercise those rights, in accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.

To exercise those rights or for any question about the processing of Personal Data in this context, WOJO may be contacted,

  • by electronic means: [email protected]
  • by post (we recommend registered post): WOJO, Service Juridique, 92, avenue Charles-de-Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine.

To enable WOJO to verify their identity, the Data Subject must attach their email address, an ID document in PDF format or a photocopy of an ID document where post is used.

If necessary,

  • any interested party may consult their rights on the French data protection authority, CNIL,’s website: <https://www.cnil.fr/fr/comprendre-vos-droits31-4>.
  • and lodge a complaint with the CNIL: Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris

Art. 9.2.5 – Data storage

The aforementioned Personal Data are stored for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected. When determining the appropriate time for the personal data to be stored, WOJO considers the quantity, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk resulting from the unauthorised use or disclosure of the personal data, the purposes for which the data are processed and its legal obligations. Beyond that, personal data is deleted or stored in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements.

Art. 9.2.6 – Security of the processing of personal data

WOJO undertakes to put in place appropriate technical and organisational security measures to ensure the security of Personal Data and protect the data against any defacing, alteration, accidental or unlawful destruction, damage, loss, disclosure or access by unauthorised persons.

Moreover, WOJO shall ensure to select subcontractors, when they are likely to have knowledge of Personal Data, in consideration of the information they provide and guarantee in terms of the protection of Personal Data; WOJO shall also carry out checks to verify that the service providers are compliant with their commitments.

For the benefit of these clarifications, the Beneficiary, those acting on its behalf, the Beneficiary’s Collaborators and those WOJO allows to use its IT/telecommunications network are responsible for ensuring the security of the transmissions of Personal Data concerning them, including via the Internet, as stipulated above.

Art. 9.2.7 – Transfer of personal data outside the EU

WOJO mainly uses subcontractors located within the European Union or located in countries known as “adequate” according to the European Commission.

In the event of a transfer of Personal Data to a country outside the European Union, deemed not to offer an adequate level of protection for personal data, WOJO undertakes to ensure or cause to ensure an adequate and appropriate level of protection of Personal Data as required by the GDPR, for example by using standard contractual clauses based on the models produced by the European Commission.

Art. 9.2.8 – Video Surveillance

Pursuant to Article 6.1(f) of the GDPR (legitimate interest of WOJO), video surveillance devices may be installed in the communal areas and on the perimeters of certain WOJO sites for the purpose of ensuring the security of persons, premises and property.

The rights of Data Subjects and the terms under which those rights are exercised are the same as those set out in this Appendix.

Images are kept for a period of one (1) month from their being recorded, except in exceptional circumstances where it is necessary to carry out checks in the event of an incident.

More generally, the entire video surveillance system is managed in accordance with the rules and recommendations established by the CNIL.

 Art. 10: Intellectual property

The Beneficiary agrees not to reproduce, represent, adapt or modify, in any way whatsoever, the distinctive signs of the Service Provider, in particular its brand, its commercial name or its logo, without the express, written and prior authorization of WOJO. In any case, the Service Provider remains the owner of its intellectual property rights.

 Art. 11: Miscellaneous

The General Terms and Conditions and Specific Conditions as well as the attached WOJO Internal Rules and Regulations form an indivisible whole.

In case of contradiction between any of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions and those of the Specific Conditions, the provisions of the Specific Conditions shall prevail.

The fact that one of the Parties has not required the application of any clause of the Contract, whether permanently or temporarily, shall not be considered as a waiver of that Party’s rights arising from the said clause.

If all or part of a provision of the Contract is found to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the provision shall apply with the minimum modifications necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable. The Parties shall use their best endeavours to reach agreement on a new, substantially similar, legal, valid and enforceable provision to replace the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision.

The Beneficiary shall pay its own costs (logistical, administrative, legal or of any other nature) necessary for the establishment, execution and any renewal of this contract.

The Parties shall at all times act independently of each other and nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any subsidiary or joint venture or de facto company between the Parties. Neither Party may rely on the provisions of the Contract to claim, in any way whatsoever, to be the agent, representative or servant of the other Party, nor may it bind the other Party to third parties beyond the provisions of the Contract.

Art. 12: Applicable law and assignment of jurisdiction

The Contract is subject to French law, both for its conclusion and for its interpretation and effects. If any provision of the Contract is declared invalid or unenforceable under prevailing law, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of the Contract.

Any dispute that may arise between the Parties in connection with the performance of the Contract shall be brought before the Commercial Court of Paris.

 Art. 13: Address for Service

For the execution hereof and the service of all documents, the Parties elect domicile at their respective addresses as stated in the Specific Conditions.

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